Always; Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

"Welcome to the crazy thoughts and opinions that form out of my brain.
Hold on tight, it might just get a little wacky. "

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Change. In certain aspects of our life, we all want it. We ask for it. But do we have the discipline to do something about it? What do you want to change? Do you make New Year's resolutions just to dismiss them weeks later? Or do you pass over making resolutions all together because after-all "what's the point?" Or are you really good at making and keeping goals and resolutions?

I didn't make any New Year's resolutions for 2010. I didn't give it much thought really. To tell you the truth, now I'm thinking on it. I know, I know, it's almost February, but it is still a new year so I figure we still have time.

Resolution One: - b o r i n g - I know. It's a resolution that everybody picks, but it's necessary to be healthy. "Consume less sugar."

Ahhh, Sugar; it is delicious and addictive. I like it in my coffee, tea, cereal, wine, dessert, snacks, etc... I would be a pretty healthy eater if it weren't for this devil in disguise. No wonder Edmond was deceived by the old witch in The Chronicles of Narnia; she kept dangling Turkish Delight in his face. Have you ever had Turkish Delight? It's a square of jellied sugar covered with powdered sugar. Personally, I don't care how much I love sugar, I detest anything that is jellied. Excuse me while I gag. But the point is, that Edmond was controlled by his addiction to sugar.

Resolution Two: "Exercise more."

If we could count housework and constantly on the go as a legitimate exercise, then I would be good. Apparently someone sitting in a nice leather chair up in Washington making all these decisions has decided that legitimate exercise has to make our heart race until it feels like it's about to pop out of our chest.

So it appears that I need to change my ways; less sugar, more exercise. This is certainly obtainable if I can be disciplined enough to say no to the good stuff and yes to the sweaty stuff. My overall goal is to just live a healthier life.

So, the sugar reduction is just a matter of replacement; finding a healthy alternative. And the exercise is a matter of utilizing the gym at my school and the beautiful walking trail around the lake. Sounds easy on paper, right? Well, I will keep you updated on my progress.

Did you make any new year's resolutions? Do you have a goal you are trying to meet? How are you being disciplined in order to meet your goals?


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