Always; Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

"Welcome to the crazy thoughts and opinions that form out of my brain.
Hold on tight, it might just get a little wacky. "

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Too Much To Do

There's always something to be done, isn't there? I mean, do we ever wake up and find all the laundry done, all the calls made, all the bills paid, homework done, can goods organized alphabetically, cars washed, dog groomed, Aunt Sally's birthday card in the mail, weeds pulled, grass cut, socks sorted, and dinner in the oven. We should be so lucky, right? American culture! We're so dang busy. And I'm sure all that busy stuff is important; after all we wouldn't be doing it if it were not. I didn't say we were idiots, just busy. Yes, you are right. Some people can be classified as a busy idiot, but that's not the topic for today.

So what do we do about it? How do we balance school, work, housework, spiritual time, social time, puppy time, me time, bill paying, exercise, a good night sleep, and oh yea 8 full glasses of water per day. That's alot of "stuff" to do! How do we prioritize everything so that it all gets done with a little time left over to just do "nothing?" We won't even mention Facebook, American Idol, and blogging.

On top of all that mandatory busy stuff mentioned previously, I also have short-term goals and long-term goals to throw a monkey wrench in the mix. Personally, I want to polish up on my piano playing, and further my piano playing skills. I want to lose about a 1000 pounds off my lard arse. I want to spend more time reading my bible (ironic that I should put that after using an Irish swear word - I have issues, you will see). I want to vacation in Ireland, Switzerland, Australia and Africa. I want to learn the Spanish language fluently. I want to learn sign language. I want to plow up my garden for Spring planting. I want to crochet a blanket, and I want to sew a duffle bag using my new pattern from Handcock Fabric.

Geez, I'm tired already. So how do we fit all this madness into a reasonable planner?

Wait, just a minute, I just thought of some really great things to cram into that endless list of "stuff" I want to do: "read another novel, bake a pound cake, and organize my hall closet."

Ok, where were we? Oh yes, I think first and foremost, I need a planner for my brain. My thoughts and ideas are out of control.

I think I will start by putting my plan on paper, listing first all that crap that I "have" to do, such as laundry, stopping for gas (I hate stopping for gas. No that's stupid. That's not going on the list) dinner, school work, get the picture.

Then I will list all the things that I "want" to do, such as reading, baking, crocheting, gardening.

Then maybe I will make a note by each on how long it will take to complete the things I want to do. Are you with me? Sound good so far? Then I'll have to decide which ones are more important than the other.

Wait, wait, wait...let's take a break. Let me tell you what the problem is so far with this plan. It all looks good on paper. And let me tell you, I will be in heaven spending hours writing and sorting and prioritizing. I love that stuff. I'm what you call a Staples Nerd. I love Staples (the store; you think I like real staples?). I love to organize, sort, create, fluff it up, put it together, and stick a bow on it. The problem we have here is, once the planning and prioritizing is done then you have to be disciplined to stick with the plan. Otherwise, you wake up a month down the road and find yourself back in the same chaos and blogging and whining about "too much to do."

So it appears that the moral of this story, or the blog is: discipline; discipline to stick to a plan.

So where do we buy that? Can I get it in a bottle at the pharmacy? Only two payments of $19.99 As Seen On TV? The discipline I know is when I got whipped with a belt for stealing a tube of lipstick at K-Mart on Cleveland Ave when I was 10. Believe me, I never did that again; steal lipstick or go to the K-Mart on Cleveland Ave. It's scary over there.

So what am I to do? I certainly can't whip out a belt whenever the schedule goes to hell. I mean I could, but that might be a little awkward if witnessed. :-/

Should I set up a reward system for sticking with the plan? And who decides the reward? Forget I asked that. I'm making up my own rewards. : ) In other words, how am I held accountable for my actions? I'm almost 40 years old. Do I really need a baby sitter? I think not.

So the new moral of the story, or the blog: Make a Plan, Stick To The Plan, and Be Held Accountable

Alright, what do you think? Do you think I have too many "wants?" Should I forget about learning sign language, or plowing my garden? What about being held accountable? Any volunteers?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm completely incapable of accomplishing a single task. The issue is, that there are alot of things that I want to make time for, but I have alot on my plate already. Currently, family, housework, schoolwork, and spiritual time have to be on the priority.

So, how do you manage your time? Do you sacrifice things you want to do because your plate is full with the things that you have to do?

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